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Please Keep All Ebola Patients And Their Health Care Workers in Prayer. It Is Up To Us To Keep Them In Prayer And  Remember That They Are Our Brothers And Sisters, Mothers And Fathers.


~ Moses ~

A 4x Time Malaria Survivor

U.S.Marine Corps

Enjoyed Barbeque

     Matthew 21:22 And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.

     Luke 6:12 And it came to pass in those days, that he went out into a mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God.

     James 5:15-16 And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him. Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

     Ephesians 6:18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;

About Us &  Reasoning

Like many of us I have been deeply moved and concerned for those who have contracted the dreaded Ebola Virus and not knowing what I could do. So I thought of starting a website to provide 24 hour prayer to God on behalf of the Ebola Patients and their health care workers. Please join us in prayer and support to help provide protective gear for the health care workers who risk their lives to save others.



  STOP Ebola

Together lets seek the best way that we can help in the fight against the spread of the deadly Ebola virus. Your suggestions and prayers are highly valued. I know that if we seek God on this that He will give us an answer to stop the spread of Ebola in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea.

Lets seek the best way to help stop the spread of Ebola. I know that in many areas of Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone they are in desperate need of medical supplies and protective clothing. Lets see what we can do to help.


What can I do you might ask! Well to do nothing is to invite disaster. You say you are too busy. Lets face it most of us are too busy but to juct ignore the Ebola Virus and to rely on the government to single handedly deal with this crisis is just not wise. Lets do what we can in every way we can to help stop this dreaded Virus from becoming a pandemic. This is what we will be discussing and then to make a plan of action.

Be Proactive

Help Us Raise Awareness Concerning The Ebola Crisis in West Africa

Invite Your Friends To Join Us

~ U.S. Marine Corps ~

and Veterans Welcome

The Background Photo at Valley Prayer is  Doctors Without Borders

Have We Failed To Acknowledge The Real Problem In The Ebola Crisis? The Real Problem Here Is Our Lack Of Prayer And Repentance!  If You Are Honest About It I Think Most Of Us Would Have To Say Yes. It's so easy to dismiss prayer isn't it? We all think we know how to solve the Ebola Epidemic and we all try our best thought out plans and ideas to help stem the tide of Ebola; And in the process we attempt to use modern science and technology to solve ALL of the diseases and plagues know to man. But wait a minute! If we were able to accomplish all of this by modern science then why do we have so many diseases and plagues running rampant on the earth today? Yes it is true that modern science has helped out considerably in the prevention and cure of many ailments and diseases, but many real cures have alluded us. At best, we can ease a patients pain and suffering and extend the patients life for a few years but an actual 100% cure still is missing.  Lets make a correction and start first by taking this to God in prayer, which is the first thing we should have done. This was our first major mistake. There are many in Africa who attribute Ebola to WITCHCRAFT, and you know something? They are absolutely right. And how do we know? Please listen to the prayers in our Prayer Gallery which expose how witchcraft may be affecting your life and destiny and you will see how important it is for us to pray for the Ebola Patients and Ebola Health Care Workers in West Africa who are being afflicted by the enemy. Then please support the life saving work there with your donations. The Devil is doing his very best to destroy God's Creation by plagues and pestilence and Ebola is one of the worst of these end time plagues which has befallen us with a fatality rate of around 60% with treatment. Lets first take time to stop and pray and not just a quick prayer but a heart felt prayer from the deepest recesses of our heart where your heart and soul are united in offering to GOD, REAL and GENUINE PRAYER for the suffering Ebola patients and the escalating Ebola crisis. Then do what you can to offer help by donating to Doctors Without Borders and Health Care Workers in West Africa. But please remember as a part of your prayer, as the Lord has shown us, to ask God to forgive your trespasses and to keep us from evil. Then respecfully acknowledge God by doing what He ashs by reading your Bible and obeying God's Word. It's a two way street you know and God is asking us to follow Him. Make sure to read the RED LETTERS in your Bible.


Your Brother in Christ, Moses (Stay Safe My Brother)

Contact Tracing A Valuable Tool To Fight Ebola

Possible Ebola Case in US

Our Current Mission Is To Raise Funds To Purchase Additional Protective Suits For Health Care Workers At Ebola Clinics And Necessary Medical Supplies To Help Prevent The Spread Of Ebola.


Our Greater Mission: Is to inform, educate, and train perspective 'Disaster Relief Workers', 'Health Care', and 'Humanitarian Aid Workers' for mission mobilazation and deployment during plagues, epidemics, natural disasters and crisis situations.


We then will triage, deploying teams to the field based upon our cadre of currently trained, deployable, and available staff given our present operational capacity or as augmentation to affiliated and currently deployed NGOs.

Mission Statement
In Summary
Mission Statement

Semper Fidelis

ALERT: Ebola Death Toll now 11,325 - 5 May 2016 WHO Sit Rep

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